Flutterby Adventures

And so it begins…

wpid-sketch90122844.pngSo I woke up today and had one of those shock horror moments… I’m 32 years old – how did that happen?  I still feel (and probably act) like I’m 20.  I’ve also managed to suddenly pile on 10kg.  What is it about turning 30 that food suddenly starts accumulating on your stomach, bum and thighs?  Gone are the days I could eat a cupcake and not think twice about it.  Not even 6 months ago, I was fit enough to complete (I use the term loosely) the Tough Mudder challenge. All it took was a three week summer holiday and a couple lazy months to wave my fickle fitness goodbye.

so here I am… with the threat of getting middle aged and frumpy hammering on my still sleepy conscience.  Goodness I need a coffee… and after that a sausage sandwich dripping with mayonnaise… yes this is going to have to change and it’s not going to be easy.  I can have amazing will power at times… but I also have a bad memory and this overpowering feeling that life is short and it’s meant to be enjoyed to the fullest.  I need to take action before I start spending my life stuck on the couch, watching other people have all the fun on TV, wishing my life away.  Don’t get me wrong, I have a fun and exciting life at the moment, but I feel like I’m starting to fall down a slipper slope and it’s not going to be a fun water slide, more of a muddy ditch that will be hard to get out of.  So there you go – that’s the purpose of this blog.  Call it self motivation.  Hopefully an inspiration to other people if I get my act together.  I’m very good at starting things and not finishing them, so this is the challenge.  To carry on writing honestly about my journey of learning to live healthily and still enjoying life to the fullest and to actually achieve some goals.  Wish me luck!

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